Field Robotics & Sensor System

Field Robotics & Sensor System?

 We focus on researching robots capable of autonomously performing missions in extreme environments such as disaster situations, underwater environments, and nuclear power plants. We develop robot's hardware and software, then evaluate performance through experiments in real-world environments. Currently, we are researching and developing robots capable of completing missions and performing various tasks in extreme environments through techniques including biomimetic robotic designs and multi-robot systems.


  A hovering-type AUV called Cyclops was developed for sensing and scanning in shallow water. Using Cyclops, we are conducting various research including underwater scanning, underwater 3D reconstruction, and mission execution with multiple robots. [Link]

Active Link Buoyancy Control

  Underwater manipulation robots utilizing ALBC (Active Link Buoyancy Control) systems offer an innovative underwater 3D posture control mechanism. With its novel concept and design hold significant potential for facilitating advanced underwater missions, including object recovery and 3D object reconstruction.


  "HERO-BLUE," a novel hybrid bio-inspired robot platform, integrates swimming and legged motions. HERO-BLUE operates successfully in various real-world environments through the utilization of state-of-the-art control strategies. [Link]

Underwater Multi-Robots System (Cyclops - Agent)

  Multi-robot system for performing precision work for an extended period of time in harsh underwater environments. A main robot (Cyclops) carries an agent robot to a working area and controls it to serve precision work. [Link]

Wall-Climbing Robot System

  Dual-unit wall-climbing robot can be attached to and maneuver on surfaces while traversing obstructions. Therefore, the inspection of high ceiling or surfaces are possible, especially on extreme environments such as nuclear power plants. [Link]

Biomimetic Underwater Robot for Inspection of Marine Structures (BRIM)

 A biomimetic underwater robot, called BRIM, is capable of walking, obstacle negotiation, and swimming for precise inspections of marine structures. Current research focuses on reinforcement learning-based control methods to enhance its operational efficiency. [Link]

LiDAR-Stereo Thermal Sensor Fusion for Indoor Disaster Environment

  This study focuses on generating reliable point clouds by fusing stereo thermal cameras with LiDAR sensors in indoor foggy environments due to disasters. The proposed method enables the creation of point clouds even in dense indoor foggy settings and can be applied to existing LiDAR mapping algorithms. [Link]

Underwater Real Time Microscope

  Our underwater microscope aims to observe plankton in real-time in a stable manner, by using hatch mechanism to stabilize the water flow during observation. This system was verified for continuous long-term underwater operation for monitoring phytoplanktons.